#cindyism family and fueding with Wendy Wortham and Cindy Daniel

My twins son Robert and his wife Stephaney, fight CONSTANTLY, and mostly about NOTHING! My twin fights with him over constantly adding tattoos and his wife is guilty of it too. Robert doesn’t like to dress up, a crime I am guilty of myself lol!

The little twins Makenna and Maryssa argue as well, usually over music, but now, add cute boys to the list too. 
Me and my twin are “TIGHTER than a CHAIN link FENCE” but occasionally, we argue over her, constantly trying to dress me FANCY, when I don’t like to “dress up” for ANY event! But occasionally, I will cave in:)

Sometimes, with outdoor events “it can get COLDER than a LAWYERS, or an EX HUSBANDS heart” outside. But, in the SUMMER, I am tempted to STUFF my bra with some ice! 

Wendy INSIST on everybody being on time at Wortham world, we ALL know, “that TRACTOR ain’t gonna PLOW” and that’s a sure fire way to get her GIRDLE popping, because folks are ALWAYS late! Which can make my twin, a “SQUIRRELS DINNER” (nuts) so she LIES about the time, so we all get there actually EARLY!

She worries about EVERYTHING, I myself try to worry about NOTHING! Actually if I HAVE to worry about something, I tell HER, and she will solve my problem for me, she is as HANDY, as SYRUP to PANCAKES.

Her list making skills, should be patented! She’s 100x times worse than Santa Claus, because she will check HER LIST, numerous times. She over packs for any trip, while I don’t pack at ALL, for myself, I have a black dress, it goes with EVERYTHING, my focus is always, the little twins. 

 Neither of our husbands ever escort us on our ventures, mainly because I argue with mine, a lot, and WENDYS husband Mathew likes “peace and quiet” which I don’t know when he ever gets to enjoy that luxury, not with this band of hillbillies and rednecks! 

When we do arrive, we are LOUDER than the HALF time events DURING a SUPER BOWL” storming through, WENDYS immaculate home. I like to “point out” how UBER clean HER house is, because mine, is the total OPPOSITE! Yes we are twins, but with completely different personalities and mannerisms.

My husband is famous, for being INVISIBLE, whenever I need him for anything, and yea it really burns my BISQUITS! So when he ask for me for something, I am constantly reminding him, of all the broken things I had to fix, because he was hiding from me. 

And so it goes, ” even if you step in OLD SHIT, it’s still gonna STINK” (people don’t change, problems don’t go away)
You could send my old man to the store for BREAD, and he would come home with MILK. But after 20+ years, just because I OWN this horse, doesn’t mean I can make him RIDE!  

All of us are a FEW fruit trees shy of an ORCHARD, sometimes. (Crazy)
But when the entire family gets together, we are a “SQUIRRELS BUFFET” (mixed nuts)
Wendy has a gift of making you want to end an argument, I call it the “pack your BAGS, she’s sending us on a GUILT TRIP again” scenario, she’s really GOOD at it tho.

And if that doesn’t work, then things can get really HARD, IE food and stuff, because she always foots the BILL on everything. And hey, food is something I REALLY enjoy, especially when somebody else is paying! If you KICK a chair out for me, at your table, I ain’t gonna be SHY.

I love going over to my twins house, since she over purchases everything I always leave with some bags lol, although, she did tell me, her husband noticed I arrive empty handed, and leave with bags?! Hmmm I didn’t know he was paying attention, oh well:)

We are all excited about this weekends events, will there be drama? Of course, when FAMILY is a constant around here, and NOBODY can ever agree on ANYTHING, might as well, let the good times roll! TWO sets of TWINS and friends, get ready world, “we might NOT be the DIAMONDS you wanted, but this handful of CZ’s will SHINE ON!

God bless us ALL

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