REALITY of a REDNECK remembered #cindyism

When me and my brother and my twin, Wendy Wortham were children, we spent ALL of our summers with my aunt and our cousins.  Combined we were like the Brady bunch, three boys and three girls! Visit us on utube by clicking the # #twins cindy and wendy #twins Makenna & Maryssa

Yesterday we headed out to Gordon Texas again, this time for my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversary.  I told my twin, I wanted to get pictures of the dairy I built, 33 years ago, as well as the feed store I worked at. And also, wanted to show the little pawners, Makenna and Maryssa Mahaney, our second generation twins, how NOT to make a MISTAKE, when choosing a HUSBAND!


“The PRETTIEST tree in the ORCHARD, can have the most TWISTED roots”

But then again……

“The UGLIEST tree in the ORCHARD, can bear the SWEETEST fruit” (Don’t pick a husband based on looks alone)

I saw my first tarantula, scorpion, cow, guinea and much more. We ran around, rode bikes down dirt roads, and had the most fun of our lives! The Dicksons didn’t have a lot of material possessions, but we didn’t need them either, because life was simple.

When I was 17, I was out visiting my aunt, when somebody called asking if aunt shirley knew anybody that wanted to make a few Bux bailing hay, I said I would do it! And it was there that I met my FIRST husband, Roy Dean Anderson.

While courting, he was the nicest guy ever, even when I had to wear temporary rods in my feet, I had to wear them for a MONTH, prior to getting my permanent ones in my toes, due to a birth defect, he carried me, from the truck to the house.  He was several years older than me, but it didn’t matter, I though I met my PRINCE, but in the end, he turned out, to be the biggest TOAD ever!

The REDNECK reality was, “I had dug a HOLE, and already FELL in and BURIED myself!

I “made up” cindyism to make myself LAUGH! As a coping mechanism. 

“He was TIGHTER than a CORSET” (cheap)

I began building a DAIRY in the wee hours of the morning, and working at the FEED store, owned by Roy’s sister and brother in law, in the late afternoon.

Life was HARD, Roy wasn’t easy. He took all of the clothes I had, and burned them, In a very large “burn barrel” when I stated crying and yelling, he grabbed my long red hair, and it was singed to my scalp, over the barrel! .  I was instead “outfitted” in men’s jeans and work shirts, from the local dry goods store in town.


the dairy i built at 17 years old! still stands today:)


the feed store i worked at in gordon texas


gordon feed store wendy wortham, makenna mahaney, maryssa mahaney, cindy daniel

I weighed 125 pounds, at 5’7 and he continually, called me fat.  After working in the dairy and feed store all day, I was expected to cook.  I was NOT allowed to eat with him, instead, I got what was left over, after he had finished.  I missed my twin very badly, but if I worked hard, he would allow me to go visit her, once monthly. 

Out of SHAME, I told nobody, my dad, grandmother, no one knew of the HARD life I had chosen, EXEPT my TWIN! Even though aunt shirley lived just a mile away, I accepted what my life was, knowing with gods will, my life would change for the better, and someday I could look back and laugh, at the situation I was in, and when I made it through this, I knew I could make it through ANYTHING!

He would sit and figure out EXACT mileage, to and from my twins,and only put exact gas in the tank, for destination and home!  It was when I would meet with my twin, that we planned my escape from Roy.  After all the work I had put into the dairy, I planned on sharing the profits. Why not? He took away EVERYTHING I had, my clothes, self esteem and MORE!

#cindyism “you CANT profit from the HAVEST, if you DONT plant the CROP”

My thoughts on Roy? Hmmmm

“If he DOES have a CLEAR conscious, he MUST also have, LONG term, MEMORY loss”!

The day would come, for my rescue, when wendy would show up, in a beat up VW bug. It was the day we were putting the roof on the dairy.  After all the planning, I was very excited, but Roy knew something was wrong and kept verbally assaulting me, and shoving me.  Finally I spoke up and told him, I was done with him and my twin was coming to get me! He screamed “you won’t get a PENNY” from me! I screamed back, ” I built this dairy” and am owed by YOU!

In the end I didn’t get anything, I REALIZED, I didn’t need his MONEY,  I didn’t even show up at divorce court.  Because I had found something more precious than MONEY, I had learned REAL life experiences, that I could “pass on” to MY children and children:)

 If somebody tells you, “I will TREAT you like a PRINCESS, run as FAST as you can” because a LIAR, will always “glamorize” your future, but a good man, will NEVER make EMPTY promises!

The GOOD times in Gordon Texas, outweigh the BAD ones, friends:) we had a BLAST meeting up with our cousins, they tried the city living, but ALL eventually moved back to their “HOME” town, and I can see why:D  because when you live in the same town, with your family, you know that NO problems can TEAR you apart, when you share the SAME blood line!

And with a great time with family, at the day’s end, not only did I teach my grand twins a great lesson, we had a howling good time with family as well!

Life’s experiences DEFINE you, and make you who you are. 


God bless us ALL folks!

#cindyism WEDDINGS and WARS with TWO sets of TWINS Texas Wendy Wortham & Cindy Daniel

When we load up our SUVs with two sets of twins, we argue over what radio station, where we will stop for food, and who sings BETTER on the “sing outs” between us!

#cindyism “if you DONT play by the RULES, then you TRULY weren’t in the GAME, to begin with”

Visit us on utube by clicking #inlawsandoutlaws #cindyshomelife #redneckreality #pawningplannersname #twins cindy and wendy #twins Makenna & Maryssa


twins makenna and maryssa mahaney

Both sets of THESE twins, have compensating personalities, so you see even though we are twins, we can really, never see “eye to eye” on too much!

My twin is FANCY, I ain’t, I am the hillbilly of this bunch. The little pawners? Makenna is exactly like my twin, Maryssa is just like ME!

Nothing is MORE funny than TWO sets of twins, ARGUING with each other!

On occasion some folks and families have got into their own squabbles before the wedding even started! Then WE have to be the REFEREES!

My name is Cindy Daniel, me and the little twins work with my twin sister Wendy Wortham at the pawning planners and Texas twins events we meet lots of folks, from the cream of the crop, to the bottom of the barrel.


Some folks are GENUINELY nice, while on Other occasions, we have met some REAL MOODY folks……

And for every “situation” or “incident” I dish out my own #cindyism


“She’s like a TEXAS TORNADO, a lot of THUNDER, HEAVY winds,  followed by a TORRENTIAL downpour”

And then their are folks thinking they are BETTER than you……

Bridezilla example

“Closest she ever gonna get to ROYALTY, is SNOW whites castle at DISNEYLAND”

Don’t think that……

“Just because you INVITE me to DINNER, you CAN dish out WHATEVER you want, on my PLATE and I will TAKE it”


“Don’t come through my FRONT door, if you are too GOOD, to sweep my porch”

Dishonest people…….

“Some folks ain’t worth the SALT it would take to JERKY them”

Some folks are just plain moochers ……

“Don’t INVITE yourself to my PICNIC unless you bring your OWN BASKET”

“Don’t INVITE yourself to my CAMP fire, unless you caught the FISH”

Then there are the HECKLERS………

“Don’t criticize the WEDDING, if you showed up UNINVITED and without a GIFT”

“Don’t throw TRASH over my fence, when you are living at the DUMP” (hypocrite)

People giving advice……..

“Don’t tell me how to DIG a DITCH, unless you brought your own SHOVEL”

Trouble makers……..

“That guy could start a FIGHT with a CONCRETE statue”

“Some BRIDEZILLAS could start a RIOT, in an empty PARK” ((trouble maker)

My advice……..


“Don’t  SHAKE the TREE, unless you are willing to eat the FRUIT that FALLS from it”

How do I come up with all this #cindyism? All the stuff I have seen, people I have met, and just general listening in at events!

While we would love to have weddings that start on time…….it ain’t happened yet!

And while I meet a bunch of nice folks….

We have met some genuinely crazy ones as well….

“A squirrels dinner”(nuts)

“A squirrels buffet” (mixed nuts)

“Are a couple of FRUIT trees SHY of an ORCHARD”

The little pawners Makenna and Maryssa Mahaney, and me and my twin wendy, are and will ALWAYS be…….

“Tighter than a BRICK WALL or ROAD”

And the BEST events??? The ones with FREE food$$$$$ count me IN on that!

My twin sometimes gets “snippy” when she can’t find me, but really, it’s not my fault, if the “GOOD” folks invite me to sit with them, heck I am usually ready to take a load off anyway!

Life with TWO SETS of twins in my twins business, oh the stories I could tell!

God bless us ALL folks! Travels of the Texas Twins documents the journey of two sets of twins and our hilarious adventures in the wedding and events industry coming soon to Amazon Kindle.


twins cindy daniel and wendy wortham