Texas twins events and how the pawning planners was born….

My twin started Texas twins events after dissolving Defending debt lawsuits llc it may sound odd, but she wanted to create a wedding event service to cater to people like us, we couldn’t afford flowers or photos etc at our weddings…her generosity sometimes blinded her common sense, because sad luck stories were abundant I mean hundreds of them!

I don’t have any money to pay you bla bla you know like that, BUT they could AFFORD to PAY for the venue and other vendors! Listen some folks could swallow nails and shit screws, they were crooked. Wendy consistently lost money because of her soft heart, cindy told wendy after a certain event you can google it, mansions moochers and morons, that we had to change her way of business.

And the Pawning planners was created through Texas twins events and Texas twins treasures. When someone contacted us from then on IF they said they had NO money we would schedule an appraisal appointment AT their house. We were often told no I don’t own anything worth money! I laughed and responded YOU bought it didn’t YOU? So it IS worth money! I can’t tell you how swiftly they came up with other options. Thinking outside a box has served us well.

Running from home at 15 and surviving on the streets would teach us to be survivors. Our mom was a heroine addict who neglected us terribly along with our baby brother. Locking us in closets for a week, car trunks for hours while she was inside the bar or a drug house. And finally selling us for 50.00 each to a pedophile at 6 years old, life hadn’t been kind to us, however we would make a pact at the women’s haven at 15 years old to be the mothers and the people we never met, we’ve held onto that promise thru the years. My daughter was a meth addict for 18 years although I brought the twins home with me she gave birth to, I raised them at my home in weatherford and my twin along with my daughter leighann and husband Steve were my support team. My daughter is clean and sober today. But recognize why their upbringing was so important, nobody would sell, violate or neglect them due to their addiction. In them we saw us and an opportunity to break the chains our own family had tied to us. Loyalty is found in people that stay with you, even when they know you’ve got nothing left to give. Our journey isn’t unique but it’s a story of survival under extreme circumstances.

In life you do what you have to. You can be kind without being taken advantage of. Paying it forward has never bankrupt anyone.

My twin got into prison weddings on a fluke a nice lady called I googled the address and it was a prison. Wendy went thru the process to get credentials and approved and now her business is 99.9% prison, jail or ice affiliation. She’s busier than a rat snake at a chicken ranch, inside the hen house, with the dog tied up!

We have never advertised…word of mouth and referrals are the key to success.

You may criticize our methods to survive however you can’t deny the results. If you allow your past to be a crutch, you have accepted a lifetime of disability.

God bless us all

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