Wendy Wortham and Cindy Daniel Texas Twins Events #twinning

My twin owns both Texas twins events AND The pawning Planners, and together, with the little pawners, Makenna and Maryssa Mahaney, we have shared both good times and bad. Me and my twin will always be “tighter than a BRICK wall or ROAD”.I have just about seen everything from arguments, to heartbreack in the wedding gigs we have done.
1. The bride with a broken front tooth, we had to fix.
2. The bride who gained weight and didn’t re-try on her dress BEFORE the ceremony.
3. Bride with broken shoe.
4. BRIDEZILLAS a plenty! Too many to list
5. Had to Do a ceremony 3x in 106 degree temps for 3 different sides of the family who WERE NOT included in original ceremony, by their OWN children!
6. The dog PEED on the flower pedals!
7. A bride threw her bouquet in the WRONG direction, and it got ran over!
8. I ordered the wrong size tables and chairs, for the table clothes and chair covers, so yea, I mess up too!
9. The cake table collapsed.
Really, I could go on and on but the above disasters, were my chart toppers. #cindyism #quotes are BASED on REAL people we MEET every DAY!
There have been some cheapskates along the way, and here’s my one liners for them lol
“Tighter than BARBWIRE”
“Tighter than the SKIRTING on a TRAILER house”
“Tighter than a CORSET”
And then they get “UPSET” when my twin isn’t able to “make WINE without an Any GRAPES”!
It ain’t our fault if some folks “expect a STEAK dinner, on a WHATABURGER budget” and trust ME, it happens ALL the time! 
While we have met some really nice folks, there have been a few that well, were slightly cracked:(
“A squirells dinner” (nuts)
Trust me when I say acting like a PRINCESS on a PAUPERS salary, won’t work around here lol! 

 “That TRACTOR ain’t gonna PLOW” hey….”That FISH ain’t gonna SWIM” 

 “Just because a it has WINGS, doesn’t mean it can FLY”
“That CHICKEN ain’t gonna LAY”
We don’t mind pulling together to make your special day great, but then again we aren’t fairy godmothers either.
So don’t…… 
“Pay for a SINGER and EXPECT a BAND”
Or expect,
“A CAVIAR affair on a CATFISH budget”
Some folks just aren’t all there….
“Their WASHING machine is RUNNING, with no CLOTHES in it”
“They are a few CHAPTERS shy of a NOVEL”
“They are a few GALLONS short of a TANK”
Or the “trouble makers”….
“Like to stir up more CRAP, than a CAT in a LITTER box”
“We’re born on all FOURS, with their TAIL up” 
“Would ARGUE with a CONCRETE statue”
And the TRULY troubled..
 “She’s like a TEXAS tornado, a lot of THUNDER, mixed with heavy WINDS and followed by a TORRENTIAL downpour” (moody)
But, for every one of them, there are five others that truly appreciate what we are trying to do for them:)
I ain’t the boss, I am my twins employee, because too much responsibility, gives me a headache!
“Just because I am DRIVING the TRACTOR, doesn’t mean I OWN the FARM”
Really, just because somebody is 
“Milking the COW, doesn’t mean they own the DAIRY”
The best part of ANY wedding to us? To finish it with smiles, inlaws and outlaws INCLUDED!




God bless us ALL folks 




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